How many shows in this country created an uproar every time the ticket stand. Is exactly the kind of entertainment that attracts thousands of people gathered Virtual Event. I spoke to one person with only one mic. "Single, 10" digging rich storied past to its present laugh. Took small. Through during a day tied to the current political, social, and drag it to mix with a deadpan This time, the audience will be as well as laughter is. Love the rich towards his audience. That gives us a clear answer. Why commedia invincible to the one in mind. Audiences of all ages. Spanned more than 18 years. "Singles 10" Art Piece is a Masterpiece and one path in life. Commedia of his that has it. It combines the art of painting with the art of performing arts. The art of survival on stage together as benign as. This is the cover art for the track home. But it is the art of laughter to stick to. In your heart ... a long time.
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