This is the famous norwegian anti-drug movie which is considered to be a turkey today. There are more than one thing you can point your finger at in this movie but let's start with the actors who are pretty wooden through the whole movie. That critic goes particularly to those who are playing the leading roles. The other element is the anti-drug message in the movie. The message are "if you start with pot you'll go to hell on a heroin overdose the next day". This is what makes the movie so unrealistic and naive. Nobody believe this kind of propaganda any longer. An another strange thing about this movie are all the rather daring nude scenes. This is pretty unusual for a movie made in the 60's, even the late 60's, but I guess that the director put it there to attract more teenagers. However, the movie as a whole is watchable in a way and not totally without interest, but it's perhaps more like a curiosity though.
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