TolkeinEditor: My main goals in undertaking this edit were to re-centre the story on Bilbo, and to have the narrative move at a much brisker pace (though not so fast that the audience lost grasp of what was going on). Creating smooth transitions between scenes was of particular importance in this regard. I even reordered a few moments in the film to make it flow better. This version has the following and more edits: • Trimmed down the chase through goblin tunnels • Colour correcting transition between Misty Mountains to Beorn's House • Removed the "barrel bounce" • Dol Guldor is completely removed • Tauriel/Legolas/Kili love triangle is fully removed • Pale Orc subplot is trimmed down a lot • Laketown has several scenes removed • Several orc skirmishes have been cut • Several action scenes tightened up • No dwarves with molten gold in this version; however the gold colour cannot be removed from Smaug • A lot of filler scenes removed