King hires Roland to arrest pirate Rattfink. Rattfink tries the cannon, but the giant cork covers it and when he tries to take it out, the cannons shoots at him. Rattfink shot the cannon at the Roland's mast hoping it would hit Roland, but instead hit Rattfink. He uses a little raft with a bomb going to Roland, but Roland had a fan and exploded at Rattfink. Than he uses an flying object, but did go very good. Than he used an Tarzan style by holding a rope and going to Roland's, but the rope was too long and was chased by a shark. Than Rattfink hammers a plank to two ships, so Roland can walk to him, but his plan was to cut the plank so Roland can fall down in the water, but Rattfink and his ship sank and Rattfink underwater holding a bomb to Roland's ship, but shark swallowed him and the bomb exploded and Rattfink was locked up (in shark's rib bones under water).