FOLLOWING THE GREAT VICTORY AT SALAMANCA in July 1812 the Anglo- Portuguese Army, with the 95th Rifles to the fore, marched to liberate Madrid. While Wellington advanced to Burgos the Light Division remained to enjoy the unusual civilisation of the Spanish capital. However, this was short lived as the French Marshals had been forced to unite under King Joseph against the Allied armies and the siege of Burgos failed. Another desperate retreat to the Portuguese frontier in appalling autumn weather conditions followed. Over the winter months Wellington reorganised his army for the 1813 campaign. Training, new lighter equipment and organisation was to enable the 95th Rifles and the rest of the Army to play the French at their own game and make lightning marches across Spain, cutting off the withdrawal route of the French army and forcing them into battle at Vittoria.This film tells the story of the Rifles part in these momentous events.